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Rowan County Law Enforcement Gains Experience with Simulation Training

Use of force simulations are critical components in the training of law enforcement officers due to their ability to provide realistic, hands-on experiences that enhance decision-making skills in high-pressure situations. Thanks to a generous system donation by Ti Training, Rowan County is leading our region in providing these high-quality training opportunities to our local law enforcement, better preparing our Sheriff’s Department and School Resource Officers to serve our community.

Our virtual use of force simulator system includes over 600 scenarios, each of which can be customized by the instructor to branch out into different endings based on the trainee’s actions. These exercises closely mimic real-life encounters, providing officers with practical experience that theoretical training alone cannot offer. Not only does the simulator allow the trainee to play out potential situations, but the system also accounts for distance, cover, use of force tool, lighting, and other factors to make it as realistic as possible. These simulations allow officers to practice responses to various scenarios, from routine encounters to active shooter events, and more.

Above: Sheriff Matt Sparks and Safe Schools Coordinator Larry Robinson Practice a Training Scenario with the Ti Training Simulator

This provides officers with practice using quick and appropriate decision-making, helping them to refine their judgment in high-pressure situations. This bridges the gap between knowledge and practice, contributing to more effective law enforcement and enhanced public safety, as officers are better equipped to handle complex encounters appropriately. Instructor Scott Barker said, “I can teach practically anyone firearm skills; however, the use of force simulator allows us to place officers in stressful situations that challenges them to make the decision to use force, the use of force tool, the level of force required, and when that justification has ended. No other training allows us such flexibility.”

Through engaging in these controlled environments, officers can develop a deeper understanding of the appropriate levels of force to use, improving their ability to de-escalate situations and reduce the likelihood of unnecessary violence. Simulations expose officers to controlled stress environments, helping them build resilience and better manage real-world stress, ensuring they remain calm and effective during actual incidents. Officers learn effective de-escalation strategies, reducing the likelihood of unnecessary force and promoting safer outcomes for all parties involved. In the words of Safe Schools Coordinator Larry Robinson, “The virtual use of force simulator is an invaluable asset for our School Resource Officers and School Safety Officers. The system allows our deputies to engage in real-life, real-time scenarios where officer discretion is sharpened to better protect our most valuable resource, our children.”

We’re so lucky to have an advanced system like this in Rowan County. According to Instructor Scott Barker, the Kentucky League of Cities loans the same system to police departments across the state in two-week periods. He says the having our own allows more officers the opportunity to harness and advance these skills year-round and for new officers to get this much-needed training without long wait times. Safe Schools Coordinator Larry Robinson continued, “The training opportunity is another example of the commitment from Sheriff Sparks and the Rowan County Sheriff's Office in conjunction with Rowan County Schools to place well trained, experienced deputes in our schools to assist in the safety and security of our students, faculty and staff. We are truly blessed to have open access to this state-of-the-art training system.”

Concerning Ti Training’s substantial donation, Ti Training’s Vice President Todd Brown stated, “We have had a long and beneficial relationship with Scott Barker. In addition to his vast experience, Scott was the first person to realize that simulation has its greatest benefit for officers in rural areas.  He saw how simulation can expose these officers to a variety and frequency of calls for service and give them experience that otherwise might take years to acquire. Everyone at Ti knows that, under Scott’s guidance, our technologies will benefit not only Law Enforcement in the county and surrounding areas, but also the citizens that they serve and protect.”

Sheriff Matt Sparks is certain of the positive impact that simulation training will have on Rowan County’s law enforcement officers, saying, “Simulation training is a very valuable training tool. Law enforcement agencies across the country use it regularly. We are one of only a handful of agencies in Kentucky to actually own one of these systems. As you can imagine, these state-of-the-art simulators are very expensive. If not for the relationship between Scott Barker and Ti Training, we would not be able to afford this system. We want to say a special thank you to Scott and TI for this tremendous donation that we are already putting to good use.”

This article by Savannah Jackson originally appeared in the May ‘24 Rowan Review as “Rowan County Sheriff’s Department and Local School Resource Officers Gain Experience with Use of Force Simulation Training”. View it at the link:

Left to right: Instructor Scott Barker, Sheriff Matt Sparks, Safe Schools Coordinator Larry Robinson

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