Rowan County Kentucky



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April is Child Abuse Prevention Month

Judge Clark, County Attorney Cecil Watkins, and Sheriff Matt Sparks joined Gateway Children's Advocacy Center to designate April as Child Abuse Prevention Month. Child abuse and neglect persist as significant challenges in our society, impacting the lives of far too many children. Every child deserves love, care, and protection from harm. It is the duty of every adult to ensure a child's right to a safe and nurturing childhood.

Rowan County is fortunate to have committed individuals and organizations diligently addressing child maltreatment and providing essential support to families. Our communities thrive when all citizens are educated about child abuse prevention and actively support parents in creating safe and nurturing environments for their children.

As April continues, we urge all citizens of Rowan County to join us in recognizing Child Abuse Prevention Month. Together, let's work towards a brighter future for every child.

Savannah Jackson